Running a business has never been easy! Especially if you’re new and struggling to catch the eyeballs. With this online platform, we give you an opportunity to list your business against competing brands in the spectrum.

And what’s best is… We’re 100% FREE. No catches at all!!

Send us some stuff, give us a week, and if it passes our parameters, we’ll list you fairly to set you up for success.

Information we need about your business:

  1. Business Name
  2. Business Location
  3. Postal Code
  4. Year of Establishment
  5. Contact details
  6. Fax & Email
  7. Business Website
  8. Social Media URLs
  9. Booking Appointment URL (if any)
  10. Current Business Hours
  11. List of Products/Services
  12. Service/Product Pricing
  13. Awards/Recognitions (if any)
  14. 1 or 2 Business Images

Please make sure that all the information you submit must be accurate and valid to the best of your knowledge. Read our Terms & Conditions for more.

Once you’ve documented the above details…